
Ranplan is an innovative UK-based wireless technology company with extensive experience in the research field. Its tool, Ranplan Professional, provides planning, optimization, and simulation solutions for heterogeneous indoor and outdoor networks, including small cells, DAS, Wi-Fi networks, radio propagation, and automated Radio Access Networks (RAN).

Ranplan Professional utilizes advanced 3D modeling and fast, accurate 3D ray tracing, along with powerful data algorithms, to coordinate the modeling of various radio access technologies and automatically optimize the placement of APs, antenna types, power levels, and channel allocations. Ranplan Professional is effective for both indoor and outdoor planning and is well-suited for public safety, enterprise, and public Wi-Fi applications, in addition to the traditional mobile operator market.

The service products offered by Ranplan are as follows :

  • Professional
  • In-Building
  • In-Building Lite
  • Tablet
  • Collaboration Hub
  • Viewer
  • Pricing


Since the establishment in 1974, Teltai (Taiwan) Ltd. is about to enter its 50th year. We always follow the entrepreneurial spirit of "Corporate Sustainability" and implemented it into our day-to-day business and operation. Therefore, over the years, in the ever-changing market changes and technological innovations, we can still insist on excellent service and provide valuable products.

From the simulation design and planning in the early stage of network deployment, the test measurement and analysis to verify the quality of the network, to the long-term maintenance and optimization, providing a comprehensive solution for the entire network life cycle.

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