GLADIATOR is a company specializing in high-performance wireless communication, navigation, measurement, and data collection solutions. Its offerings include sensors, measuring instruments, and tailored solutions, often utilized in aerospace, defense, and other fields requiring high precision.
G-Station Pro G-Station是專設計為優化蜂窩網路的開放式平台,使用於桌上型電腦;是一套完整的工程工具,提供了向下鑽取、故障排除、和報告功能。 為業界第一款完全嵌入訂製化和自動化的平台引擎。用戶有權自定義、自動化、及簡化他們的最佳實踐工程,進入標準和可重複的流程。為網路運營商、系統整合商、工程服務供應商、測試測量製造商、以及基礎設施製造商,各別的不同需求,訂製專屬的應用程式與工具。 This 64-bit application also features additional capabilities for parallel log file processing, enhancing the software's processing power. Its unique reporting engine allows users to automate report generation through simple drag-and-drop functionality. In summary, the fast data processing speed and advanced reporting engine enable customers to accelerate network deployment, meet launch deadlines, improve acceptance and validation efficiency, and maximize return on investment. |
G-Net Pro 只需一個平台,即可統一您所有的日常工作。Web-based開放式平台,為網路效能的管理與監控設計而成。Web-based用戶界面與dashboard提供全面交互控制的網路資源報告(資料元件動態的採集、任務調度、隨選存取)。 G-Net具獨特的設計特色,專門設計給網路運營商,系統集成商,工程服務供應商,測試平台。 This platform helps customers standardize business and engineering processes, reducing the operational costs of wireless networks. The enterprise platform can parse, report, and analyze large volumes of data through its unique workflow algorithms, and G-Net Pro supports all popular wireless technologies. |